Sunday, October 30, 2011

New puppy

So the new puppy is a ~7 week old female yellow lab. She was brought into the hospital where I work earlier this week, and transferred to the local shelter by animal control. I made sure to give them my contact information if there were any concerns about her being euthanized. On my examination of her, she is thin, and has a skin problem that looks like mange. They called this morning saying she is "at risk", implying that she will be euthanized due to her presumed mange (a treatable infection with mites).

Of course, we went and picked her up this afternoon... started treatment for the mites. She is isolated in the office away from the other dogs for now (since this type of mite is contagious). Now that Jinx is finally a relatively easy, well-behaved puppy, we have our hands full with another. We need to find a new foster home ASAP since she is contagious, and 3 dogs is a little too much!

Jinx update: he is still limping and his right front leg is visibly shorter than the other. He has an appointment tomorrow morning to see Dr. Kerpsack.


  1. I could never work at a vet office or shelter. I would want to bring them all home and keep them! Bless you all for taking care of them.

  2. Now you see our dilemma :-) I have a feeling our new pass time is going to be dog rescuing. It is a lot of work, but it is rewarding knowing that you have made an impact.
